Poker Link Exchange & Casino Link Exchange

If you run a website with poker or casino content, we will be more than happy to exchange links with you. Your website does not have to be purely about poker/casino, however it should contain a considerable amount of content with regard to any of those two topics.

Link exchange

In order to speed up the process, please place a link to our website by pasting the following HTML code:

You can omit the description if such is your link exchange policy. However, please do not change any of those data (other than link style) without our permission.

Once you have placed a link to us on your website, please send us an Email with such information as where our link has been placed and your link code you wish to place on our website. Your link will be placed on our Website Directory pages, which are accessible from the footer on every page of this website, in less than 48 hours. We will send you a confirmation email once it has been completed.

Please rest assured that our link directory will not turn into a link farm. Once it contains a big amount of links, it will be split into smaller pages, containing no more than 20 outbound links each.

When linking to us, please do not employ any dirty search engine tricks, such as "nofollow" tag, robots.txt file exclusions etc. We will check our link on your page and if we find that it cannot be indexed by search engines, you will not get your link placed on our website.