Contact Us
If you need to contact us, please send an email to the following address:
Just replace "[at]" with "@" and "[dot]" with "." respectively. This is to prevent bad bots from picking up our email address and sending tons of spam.
Reasons to contact us:
Feedback about this site - we really enjoy any suggestions and comments (both positive and negative) that can improve your experience while browsing our pages.
Problems with this website - is there any link not working? Tell us and we will fix this as soon as possible.
Anything poker and casino related.
Do you want to ask us anything? We will reply to every genuine question so do not hesitate.
Link exchange with poker/casino websites - for more details please visit the Link Exchange page.
Reasons not to contact us:
Spammy emails - we are still young and do not need Viagra, really.
Advertising - we probably automatically delete 99% of emails that are not unique and honest.
Link exchange requests from non-poker/casino related websites - we do not see any value in exchanging links that bring us untargeted traffic at best so do not even bother.